Friday, September 08, 2006

TReCX Managament Issues

Due to problems with staff sickness (project manager), paternity leave (developer) anmd underestimation of timecales, the TReCX project has fallen a little behind.

We have has a look at the project plan and have decoded to remove two workpackages from the project. These workpackages are not central to the completion of the toolkit, in fact they we two 'demonstrator' type chunks of work. We had planned to test out the tracking and reporting toolkit by
  1. using aspect oriented programming to get MVN Forum to use the tracking store
  2. using the Bodington VLE to implement the search interface.

Both these workpackages have now been dropped.

The toolkit should still be completed on time and we should still be able to give a demonstration, however, this demo will be different to that envisaged at the start of the project. We will be able to use 2 (or more) instances of the tracking store to demonstrate that the reporting application works.


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